
Brian Eno’s & Yanis Varoufakis’ Open Letter to the Judges of the ICC, on the anniversary of 7th October: Act now or International Law withers forever

, 07/10/2024

OPEN LETTER TO THE JUDGES OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT 7th October 2024 Dear Judges of the International Criminal Court, When we heard in January that the Court on which you sit had decided to hear the case concerning the situation in Israel-Palestine, we were encouraged. Humanity needs an International Criminal Court that upholds the […]

Welcome to the Age of Technofeudalism – interviewed by WIRED magazine

, 22/04/2024

The tech giants have overthrown capitalism. That’s the argument of former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who became famous trying to defend debt-laden Greece from its German creditors. Varoufakis has never quite regained the notoriety of 2015. But he has remained a prominent left-wing voice. After a failed campaign for a seat in the European […]

Banned from Germany: Why? How? | Democracy Now! tv interview & an account in The New Statesman

, 22/04/2024

Watch my interview with Amy Goodman on DEMOCRACY NOW! on the German police’s crackdown on pro-Palestinian voices which led to my  being banned in Germany.  Also, below you can read my ‘Diary’ entry in THE NEW STATESMAN on the details and true causes of my ban. FROM THE NEW STATESMAN: As I write these lines, […]

Naomi Klein & Yanis Varoufakis on Gaza, Fascism & the Wrong Lesson from History

, 22/04/2024

Naomi Klein is the award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author. Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, author and the former finance minister of Greece. Raoul Martinez is a philosopher, author and filmmaker. This podcast is released alongside the acclaimed new docuseries ‘In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis […]

Europeans Have No Right to Tell Palestinians How to Escape Their Prison – with Rania Khalek

, 22/04/2024

Rania Khalek was joined by Yanis Varoufakis, economist, political leader, former Finance Minister of Greece and the author of many books including his latest “Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism,” to discuss Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

A European War Union? – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 22/04/2024

Advocates of European unity used to celebrate the European Union as a peace project. But well before Russia invaded Ukraine, the European vision of a peaceful road to shared prosperity had begun to frazzle, and now the invasion has facilitated the EU’s mutation into something much uglier. ATHENS – Europe has become unrecognizable. Advocates of […]

My Berlin speech on Palestine that German police entered the venue to ban – and whose publication here led to my being banned from Germany!

, 13/04/2024

Watch/read the speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style) before I could address the meeting. Today, because I dared publish this speech here, the Ministry of Interior issued a “Betätigungsverbot” against me, a ban on any political activity. Not just a […]

NEW YORKER magazine: Has Capitalism Been Replaced by “Technofeudalism”?

, 01/04/2024

“I never planned to be a politician. Never. Not in my wildest nightmares,” the economist and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said the other day. He was fighting his way toward the exit at Columbia University’s Alfred Lerner Hall, where he’d just spoken at a conference on sustainable development. A man blocked his path: […]

Greece, EU elections, Palestine & the International Order – JACOBIN interview with David Broder

, 01/04/2024

Yanis Varoufakis’s new film series explains how elites used the financial crisis to terrorize Europe’s populations into submission. In this interview, he tells Jacobin why the anti-austerity movement failed and why the center is converging with the far right. Debt is to capitalism what hell is to Christianity: unpleasant, and essential.” Speaking in his new documentary […]

Economics is Irredeemably Sexist – Project Syndicate

, 01/04/2024

One reason women avoid the field of economics is the male chauvinist pig standing at its center, masquerading as the model of rationality. No sensible woman recognizes herself in Homo economicus, who always gets what he likes and likes what he gets. ATHENS – Economics has an intractable “women problem.” High-school girls avoid it. Female undergraduates abandon it. And […]

“It’s hard to read this book and deny its power” – WASHINGTON POST review of TECHNOFEUDALISM

, 01/04/2024

In the not-too-distant past, many Marxist philosophers were weighed down by a shared despair. Capitalism, they feared, had become so totalizing, so all-consuming, that there was no longer any possibility of overthrowing it. “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it,” Karl Marx famously wrote in 1845, […]

TECHNOFEUDALISM reviewed by Geert Lovink

, 01/04/2024

A meme is spreading: capitalism is dead. We’re toiling around in its carcass. Nothing appears as it seems in this zombie state of affairs. But why didn’t we notice? There’s confusion all over. Climate, Covid, Ukraine, Gaza. Is history accelerating, or, rather the opposite, stagnating, even regressing? In his latest book Techno Feudalism, Yanis Varoufakis states that […]

Does Australia know what it is getting into viz. the US-China New Cold War? GUARDIAN AUSTRALIA podcast

, 01/04/2024

Does Australia really want to become entangled in a war (Cold or Hot) between the US and China motivated by the clash of the world’s two super cloud fiefs?

Two reviews of TECHNOFEUDALISM by Conservative Publications ‘Free Beacon’ & ‘The European Conservative’

, 01/04/2024

In this age of self-referential bubbles, of performative mutual demonisation and of siloed ideological camps that make debate impossible, it was a breath of fresh air to spot two reviews of my TECHNOFEUDALISM by conservative publications: The Washington Free Beacon and The European Conservative. Disagreeing agreeably must surely be a major improvement to unreasoned, mutually […]

My last waltz on Late Night Live with my friend, the wonderful, Phillip Adams – audio

, 14/03/2024

On 11th March 2024, Phillip Adams invited me to LNL for one last time before he is due to retire. Bittersweet program where we talked about everything that intervened between our first ever encounter on LNL in 1993 to today. Thank you Phillip. On behalf, I believe, of countless souls who will miss your voice, […]

Reversing Europe’s and Australia’s slide into irrelevance & insecurity – National Press Club of Australia speech

, 14/03/2024

“Europe and Australia are facing a common existential threat: a creeping irrelevance caused, on the one hand, by our failure properly to invest and, on the other hand, by our ill-considered slide from a strategic dependence on the United States to a non-strategic, self-defeating servility to Washington’s policy agenda.” Yanis Varoufakis’s address at the National […]

Our Present Moment in History: a wide-ranging discussion with Aaron Bastani in a packed EarthH Theatre – 14th FEB 2024

, 02/03/2024

On 14th February 2024, I had the great privilege of a live discussion with Aaron Bastani in front of a marvellous audience at EartH in Hackney, North-East London. We talked about, of course, Israel-Palestine, but also about China and, in particular, the New Cold War being waged for control of what I call cloud capital. […]

Novara interview on almost everything (e.g. Crisis, Democracy, Syria, Israel-Palestine, Journalism at gunpoint)

, 22/02/2024

Ash speaks to Yanis Varoufakis and film director Raoul Martinez about their new film Eye Of The Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis, what the left got wrong after 2008 and the West’s complicity in the genocide happening in Gaza. You can buy ‘In The Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis […]

PoliticsJOE interview on capitalism, technofeudalism, the Labour Party, Western Hegemony and Gaza

, 22/02/2024

Sat down to discuss the downfall of capitalism and Western hegemony, the Labour Party’s shunt to the right, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Also, we discussed Raoul Martinez’s documentary In The Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 

The Guilty Feminist Culture Club: In the Eye of the Storm with Yanis Varoufakis and Raoul Martinez

, 22/02/2024

Interviewed by by Deborah Frances-White in Brian Eno’s Studio, on the occasion of the launch of  Raoul Martinez’s IN THE EYE OF THE STORM: Yanis Varoufakis’ Political Odyssey Recorded 15 February in London. Released 21 February 2024. For THE GUILTY FEMINIST side, click here.

The roots of European farmers’ anger were baked into the EU – UNHERD

, 22/02/2024

Manos, a sixth-generation farmer from Thessaly, put it to me bluntly when I asked him to explain why he was prepared to drive his tractor 400km to Athens to camp outside Parliament: “If I don’t, my farm will soon follow our village school, co-op, post office and bank branch into oblivion.” His story is neither […]

The Politics & Letters Podcast – a (joyous) discussion on my TECHNOFEUDALISM

, 22/02/2024

What isn’t ending?  What isn’t on the verge of extinction?  It’s a short list of exemptions these days, and we, us human beings, aren’t on it. Neither are bees, bipartisanship, butterflies, coastlines, childhood, civility, coral reefs, democracy, elephants, empire, facts, families, frogs, gender, glaciers, God, higher education, humanities, love, male supremacy, manatees, manhood, men, morality, […]

Jacobin Magazine’s David Moscrop reviews my TECHNOFEUDALISM

, 22/02/2024

The idea that we are entering an era of techno-feudalism that will be worse than capitalism is chilling and controversial. We asked former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to elucidate this idea, explain how we got here, and map out some alternatives. The controversial concept of techno-feudalism suggests we have transitioned from capitalism to something even […]

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