
Ringfencing Europe

, 18/03/2012

A Modest Proposal for a Decent European Future[1] Summary of presentation to be made on 13th April 2012,  at INET’s Berlin Conference Session: The Future of Europe  Abstract Europe is currently caught up in a false dilemma between current policies, which are contributing toward the eurozone’s disintegration, and a ‘federal move’ that cannot possibly unfold swiftly enough […]

Paradigm Lost: Rethinking Economics and Politics

, 19/01/2012

On 12th to 15th April, a conference will be organised by INET on this theme [Axica Conference Center, Berlin]. For the full program, see here. In its context, on the 13th, I shall be participating in the following session. As I am figuring out the content of my intervention, I would welcome your suggestions. Thanks […]

Why Eurobonds are Essential and Fiscal Union a Folly (Or how to escape the equally untenable positions of German economists Thomas Straubhaar and Otmar Issing)

, 17/08/2011

The context: In the middle of a mighty bushfire the fire brigade just held a summit between its chief fire fighters (Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy) to discuss the importance of biodiversity, leaving the flames to destroy the forest. Italy and Spain are collapsing. The EFSF, the only institution that was set up to deal […]

Cessation of posts till end of July. But here is a message from Southern Crete…

, 12/07/2011

          Having spent a day on a deserted Cretan beach overlooking Libya, I returned to Loutro (our haven) to discover messages on my phone suggesting that I chose the worse week to go AWOL: the week when the euro is finally collapsing. Steady on folks! The euro crisis has a long, […]

A fresh rationale for, and a new variant (Version 2.1) of, The Modest Proposal for Overcoming the Euro Crisis

, 24/03/2011

By Yanis Varoufakis and Stuart Holland, 24th March 2011 Introduction to the new version of the Modest Proposal (to go straight to Version 2.1 of the Proposal, click here) The response to our Modest Proposal Version 2.0, of 10th March, has been overwhelming with more than 100 thousand downloads within a few days. As if […]

The fifth of the Global Minotaur's Handmaidens: Toxic economic theory

, 22/02/2011

The last two posts examined  four important contributors to the Global Minotaur: to America’s astonishing pre-2008 capacity to attract financing from the capital surpluses of the rest of the world sufficient for the purposes of funding its expanding twin deficits. They were, in turn, (a) the mergers and acquisitions drive, (b) hedging and leverage, (c) The Wal-Mart business model […]

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