
Yanis Varoufakis on power, populism and the future of the EU

, 28/02/2017

This interview preceded the launch of the Dutch chapter of DiEM25 in Paradiso, Amsterdam.

DiEM25 Netherlands Launch – 26 February 2017

, 26/02/2017


DiEM25 Belfast Launch – 24th February 2017

, 25/02/2017

  DiEM25 was launched in Belfast officially on 24th February 2017. The event was preceded by a phone in on BBC Radio Ulster available here.  

Brexit – an unorthodox perspective | Guardian Live event

, 20/02/2017

 27th January 2017 Srećko Horvat, a Croat philosopher, Elif Shafak, renowned Turkish novelist, and Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former finance minister, bring to this conversation an intriguing perspective. As intellectuals who know Britain well, they understand first hand the perils of nationalism, disintegration, isolationism and marginalisation. They place post-Brexit Britain in a context informed by a […]

Τι φοβάστε κύριε Ντράγκι; Ώρα να δημοσιοποιήσετε την γνωμοδότηση για το κλείσιμο των ελληνικών τραπεζών

, 19/02/2017

Υποστήριξε την εκστρατεία μας να απαιτήσουμε την άμεση δημοσιοποίηση νομικής γνωμάτευσης για το εάν η ΕΚΤ παρανόμισε κλείνοντας τις ελληνικές τράπεζες το 2015 και επιβάλλοντας capital controls. ΥΠΟΓΡΑΨΕ ΠΑΤΩΝΤΑΣ ΕΔΩ Συνυπογράφοντες: Benoît Hamon (υποψήφιος του Σοσιαλιστικού Κόμματος για την Προεδρία της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας), Katja Kipping(Πρόεδρος της Die Linke), Gesine Schwan (δύο φορές υποψήφια του SPD για την Προεδρία […]

Yanis Varoufakis on BBC: “Western Democracies need a New Deal”

, 14/02/2017

Here Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister, argues that it’s time for a “New Deal” – including a universal basic income.

Στην ραδιοφωνική εκπομπή ΕΡT Open “Πολιτισμός”

, 10/02/2017

Μια συζήτηση με την Χρύσα-Αριάδνη Κουσελά και τον Σωτήρη Μπότα.

Varoufakis & DiEM25 a La Gabbia Open

, 28/10/2016


To prevent Brexit from turning nasty, progressive internationalists must come close to winning 10 Downing Street

, 11/10/2016

Addressing a DiEM25-Another Europe event held at the LSE on Saturday 8th October 2016 For the complete transcript of the speech…

A message for left wing comrades – Berlin, 17 September 2016

, 21/09/2016

 The above is an extract from a joint pre-election speech, for the Berlin state election, by Varoufakis and Kipping and Lederer at Astra Kulturhaus Berlin, Revaler Str. 99

On the need to face the facts about big business before democracy gets a chance – NYT Athens Democracy Forum Debate

, 16/09/2016

Paul Krugman, Ross LaJeunesse (Google), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25) and Yasheng Huang, economist, M.I.T.

Markets vs States in today’s Europe: An Alpbach Keynote Debate

, 03/09/2016

In October 2015, I had the opportunity to debate, in Munich, Professor Hans Werner Sinn on the European Monetary Union and, more broadly, Europe’s economy . On 30 August 2016, at the Alpbach European Forum, I debated Professor Sinn’s successor as President of IFO, Professor Clemens Fuest. [Click here, or the image above, for video of […]

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