
The Reform & Fiscal Policy Proposals of my ministry a year to this day – compare & contrast

11/05/2016 by

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A year to this day (11th May 2015), my team of international advisers (*) and I submitted this proposal for reforming the Greek economy, including a particular proposal for a debt reschedule. It is interesting to compare and to contrast it with the agreement that the troika is about to impose on the Athens government.

(*) My team included: James K. Galbraith (University of Texas at Austin), Jeff Sachs (Columbia University, Special Advisor to the UN’s Secretary General) ,Lord (Norman) Lamont (formerly Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer) Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex, and author of The Entrepreneurial State), Thomas Mayer (Director, Flossbach-von-Storch, formerly Chief Economist, DB) and Larry Summers (Harvard University, formerly US Treasury Secretary)

To read the proposals click on the image above or just click here

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