
Democratizing the Eurozone – a Project-Syndicate op-ed

, 02/09/2015

ATHENS – Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the […]

The Spectre of Democracy haunts Europe – in conversation with Phillip Adams, Late Night Live, ABC Radio National 26th Aug 2015

, 27/08/2015

In discussion with Phillip Adams, on my favourite radio program (LNL), on my recent Frangy address/manifesto for a campaign to Democratise the Eurozone as well as, of course, on the forthcoming snap Greek election.

The Athens Spring lives on! Speech at Frangy-en-Bresse, with Arnaud Montebourg

, 25/08/2015

On Sunday 23th August, I joined forces with Arnaud Montembourg in Frangy-en-Bresse (or Frangy-en-Grece as it was renamed for the day!) to put forward to the people of France a simple message: There is no alternative but the democratisation of the Eurozone! For the full text of my speech click here. And for a translation in […]

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