Ενημέρωση δημοσιογράφων μετά το Eurogroup (09-03-2015) , 09/03/2015
Συνέντευξη τύπου μετά το Eurogroup (20-02-2015) , 20/02/2015
, 31/01/2015
As a fan of the BBC, I must say I was appalled by the depths of inaccuracy in the reporting underpinning this interview (not to mention the presenter’s considerable rudeness). Still, and despite the cold wind on that balcony, it was fun!
Δηλώσεις μετά τη συνάντηση με J. Dijsselbloem (30-01-2015) , 30/01/2015
Η ΓΕΝΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΝΗΜΟΝΙΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ – Βίντεο της συζήτησης στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής, 16/1
, 17/01/2015
Παρακολουθείστε την συζήτηση που είχαμε με τον Νίκο Ξυδάκη, τον Μπάμπη Παπαδημητρίου και το κοινό για την ΓΕΝΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΜΝΗΝΟΝΙΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ και, βεβαίως, για την διαπραγμάτευση που έρχεται.
Βαρουφάκης vs Λαζαρίδης στον ΣΚΑΙ (βίντεο)
, 14/01/2015
«Πιο επίσημα δεν μπορεί να χρεωκοπήσει η χώρα από την πυροδότηση των CDS» είπε ο οικονομολόγος και υποψήφιος με τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στη Β’ Αθήνας, Γ. Βαρουφάκης, στον κ. Χρ. Λαζαρίδη που ισχυρίστηκε ότι «η χώρα δεν χρεωκόπησε επίσημα» και πρόσθεσε το εξής παράδειγμα «είναι σαν να έχεις τρακάρει το αυτοκίνητό σου, να σου έχει πληρώσει […]
Discussing Thomas Piketty's inequality treatise with Andrew Mazzone – video
, 03/12/2014
Prompted by this critical review article of Professor Thomas Piketty’s Capitalism in the 21st Century, which I recently published in Real World Economics Review, Andrew Mazzone (of the Henry George School Social Science) kindly interviewed me on the subject of inequality and Professor Piketty’s book.
, 18/11/2014
Click the image above to watch a 60′ keynote on Money, and its Aesthetics, after the Gold Standard, following by a presentation by Danae Stratou of her remarkable installation ‘It’s Time to Open the Black Boxes’ – click here for a full description (and pictures and video) of that work.
Discussing the ECB’s stress tests on ‘Boom Bust, RT tv
, 28/10/2014
For the tv interview click here or the photo above (and jump to 21′). A related, analytical, article, can be found here.
European Parliament Elections: Our choice between Euro-loyalists, Euro-sceptics & Euro-critics
, 24/05/2014
In this European Parliament election, Europeans are confronted with a stark trilemma; with three competing narratives on the state of the Union one of which we must adopt and vote accordingly.
Depressed, depressing Europe – video
, 13/05/2014
In conversation with Andrew Brady of USiLive regarding the state of Europe now.
My endorsement of Alexis Tsipras' Candidacy for the Presidency of the European Commission – video
, 01/05/2014
Over the past year I have argued that Europe needs a jolt.
James Galbraith on Piketty’s Capital in 21st Century – video/interview
, 26/04/2014
See also James Galbraith’s splendid review of T. Piketty’s ‘Capital’ here.
Inequality: Should we care? A debate between Y. Brook (Ayn Rand Institute) and J. Galbraith & Y. Varoufakis (UT); 17th April at UT Austin
, 16/04/2014
Witness a dramatic battle of ideas between two internationally known speakers over the question of whether or not we should be concerned about economic inequality.
AUSTERITY – a televised debate (by the Institute of World Affairs) on its logic and discontents featuring J.K. Galbraith, Jeff Sommers and Yanis Varoufakis
, 27/03/2014
James Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government, University of Texas – Austin Yanis Varoufakis, Visiting Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas – Austin, and Jeffrey Sommers, Senior Fellow, Institute of World Affairs Moderator: Doug Savage, Institute of World Affairs