
Greece’s Grand Decoupling, the Nuclear Option and an Alternative Strategy: A comment on Münchau

, 14/04/2014

In his latest Financial Times column Wolfgang Münchau concurs with much of what I have written here (on the Greek social economy’s deep coma) and here (on the reasons why investors are piling in) but goes on to suggest that Greece should seriously consider exiting the Eurozone. In today’s post I offer an evaluation of his argument. In brief, […]


, 08/04/2014

Μάΐος 2010: Η συνέντευξη τούτη δημοσιεύτηκε λίγο πριν την υπογραφή του 1ου Μνημονίου από την κυβέρνηση Παπανδρέου-Παπακωνσταντίνου και συνέπεσε με τα “μέτρα” που έφερε στην Βουλή η κυβέρνηση εκείνη ώστε να λάβει η χώρα τις πρώτες δόσεις του μνημονιαικού δανείου των €110 δις.  Μάρτιος-Απρίλιος 2014:  Συνέντευξη Γ. Βαρουφάκη, που πήρε ο Παύλος Κλαυδιανός, με θέμα: «Το […]

Digital Economies/Money

, 14/03/2014

The Internet has revolutionised the production and dissemination of information. It is a prime example of Hegel’s (and Marx’s) Dialectic at work. Of how quantitative changes lead to qualitative shifts and how technological innovations subvert prevailing social relations of production and distribution, engendering newfangled systems  via ‘creative disruption’. Of course, in the midst of any such […]

Being Greek and an Economist While Greece Burns: An intimate account – MGSA Keynote 2013

, 16/11/2013

(Gonda Van Steen introduced the audience to the MGSA 2013 Conference and Artemis Leontis introduced me. The talk begins at around 10′, when the audio becomes loud and clear) The Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) kindly invited me to deliver its 2013 Keynote, at the MGSA biannual Conference held at Indiana University. I grabbed the opportunity […]

Greek Implosion

, 15/10/2013

You may have noticed that I have refrained from using the title ‘Greek Crisis’. This is not because Greece is not in crisis. Rather, it is because I have maintained for many years now that Greece is caught up in a crisis of Europe’s overall design. Greece imploded because it was entangled in a European […]


, 14/10/2013

POLITICS, PHILOSOPHY &ECONOMICS: Assorted posts 30 NOV 2010 – Cutting our noses to spite our faces The trouble with austerian logic is that it is grossly illogical. It does not even make sense in terms of the logic of microeconomics, let alone that of macroeconomics. 2 DEC 2010 – Antisemitism’s handmaidens I was recently sent a book that warmed my heart […]

Op-Eds and major articles

, 14/10/2013

BBC Website: 23 NOV 2010 – ‘Greek austerity and its discontents’  BBC Radio 4 commissioned piece: 29 JAN 2011 – ‘Seismologists, Economists and the Crisis – the podcast’ Die Zeit: 13 MAY 2011 – ‘A motivated false report of imminent Grexit’. For the English language original click here. Die Zeit: 16 JUN 2011 – ‘Semiotics versus Hard […]

Posts in favour (and critical) of the Modest Proposal

, 14/10/2013

For the latest long interview/piece that explains and defends the (most recent version of) Modest Proposal click here. More poignant articles/posts follow below: 25 NOV 2010 What will it take to stop the domino effect on its tracks before it reaches Spain and Italy? 14 DEC 2010 – The Modest Proposal and the Juncker-Tremonti Plan: A comparison […]


, 14/10/2013

After the Crash of 1929 two were the major developments that shaped our world. First, the common currency of that era began to disintegrate. Secondly, Nazi and Fascist parties gathered enough strength to push liberal democracy aside and to unleash a dark nightmare upon humanity.  After the Crash of 2008, our generation’s 1929, at least […]


, 14/10/2013

After the 2nd World War, and under the purposeful guidance of the United States, Europe began the process of integration which succeeded in making it possible to imagine a United Europe. For decades Europe’s elites bopped merrily across a sea of self-satisfying myths which nevertheless proved functional to the difficult task of creating the requisite […]


, 13/10/2013

Over the years, the frequency of my tv interventions has been highly correlated with the Euro Crisis’ above-the-surface intensity. This page offers links to some of them. Featured videos: The two featured videos that I selected for this page are: (a) a mini documentary on the Euro Crisis that I wrote and presented for Channel […]


, 13/10/2013

RADIO INTERVIEWS/TALKS: A list of interviews/talks follows mainly on the Crisis (global, European, Greek, Irish etc.). My numerous interviews with Doug, which have been tracking the Euro and the Greek crises for years now, present themselves as a running commentary on events in Europe since 2008. Additionally, extensive interviews on a variety of topics are included (e.g. […]

No signal: an intimate, personal history of ERT

, 25/09/2013

Regular readers will recall my pieces on the closure of the Greek public broadcaster. A longer and more comprehensive version, in which I took the time and the space to unfold my memories of ERT’s presence in our collective Greek experience, became our third contribution to Witte de With’s Review. For the WdW Review site, click […]

ERT (Greek state tv-radio) is dead: A blacklisted person’s lament

, 11/06/2013

A few hours ago, the Greek government announced that state television and radio channels would be silenced at midnight. No public debate, no debate in Parliament, no warning. Nothing. ERT, the Greek version of the BBC, will simply fold its tent and steal into the night. As probably the only Greek commentator to have been […]

EUROPE AFTER THE CRISIS: Combining the feasible, the desirable and the essential (Lecture in Greek, Athens 4th June)

, 31/05/2013

Το «Τhe Hub Events» και ο Νικόλας Πρωτονοτάριος  οργάνωσαν την Τρίτη 4 Ιουνίου 2013, στις 20:00 την τελευταία για φέτος συνάντηση του Hub Science, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου πραγματοποιήθηκε η διάλεξη του καθηγητή οικονομικής θεωρίας και συγγραφέα Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη με θέμα «Η Ευρώπη μετά την κρίση: Μεταξύ του εφικτού, του επιθυμητού και του απαραίτητου». Πατήστε εδώ για […]

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