
Yanis Varoufakis on George Osborne’s responsibility for Brexit – The Telegraph

, 29/09/2016

Yanis Varoufakis said George Osborne was trapped in a vicious cycle by Cristina Criddle 28 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 11:23AM

Discussing Brexit on BBC Radio 4, the Today program

, 29/09/2016

An interview on the Brexit paradox-cum-enigma and the future of the European Union – the interview was recorded in the context of the Institute of Directors conference on post-Brexit Britain, 27th September 2016

Interview with the Berlin Policy Journal in 140 characters

, 08/09/2016

You left office about a year ago – any regrets?  None whatsoever. Once it was no longer possible to do good for Greece as minister, there was no reason to stay in office.

Europe’s Left after Brexit

, 08/09/2016

In reply to Tariq Ali, Stathis Kouvelakis, Vicente Navarro and Stefano Fassina on DiEM25’s plan for resisting within the European Union   Preface: This article (published in edited form in Jacobin, Neues Deutschland, Il Manifesto,  Mediapart and elsewhere) addresses left-wing critics of DiEM25 claiming that DiEM25 is pursuing the wrong objective (to democratise the EU) […]

Poetry in prose? Letter in the FT

, 04/09/2016

AUGUST 20, 2016 - From Vijay Kumar. Sir, One often hears that people on the left of the political spectrum tend to be more intelligent, more articulate, better read and generally more fun to be with. Sir, One often hears that people on the left of the political spectrum tend to be more intelligent, more [...]

KURIER: Österreichs Sozialdemokra­tie hat ihr Ende erreicht

, 04/09/2016

Der griechische Ex-Finanzminister sagt, der Geist Bruno Kreiskys sei verloren gegangen. 31.08.2016, 14:01 Der frühere griechische Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis hat in Alpbach bei einem Pressegespräch auch zur österreichischen Innenpolitik Stellung genommen. Er kritisierte dabei die von den Sozialdemokraten übernommenen Inhalte rechter Politiker, wie die Errichtung neuer Grenzen. Damit sei das Ende der Sozialdemokratie, wie sie […]

DiEM25: Bring it on! – J.K. Galbraith in the Boston Globe

, 23/08/2016

From the destruction of Greece to democracy in Europe By James K. Galbraith (Click here for the Globe’s site)

The Politics of Negative Interest Rates – Project Syndicate op-ed

, 23/08/2016

  ATHENS – Objects of desire come at a cost. Only bad things, like toxic waste, have a negative price, the equivalent of a fee payable to anyone willing to make them disappear. Does this mean that negative interest rates embody a new perspective on money – that it has gone “bad”? [To read on, click […]

"Merkel has no plan" – interviewed by Die Welt’s editor, Stefan Aust

, 16/08/2016

A few weeks ago, Stefan Aust, Die Welt’s editor and formerly the heart and soul of Der Spiegel, paid me a visit at our Aegina house. We spoke for a good two hours on Europe, Germany, Greece and, of course, DiEM25. It was a serious, pleasant and at times passionate discussion. On 14th August the […]

On Counterpunch Radio: Progressive politics, the US election and Europe

, 03/08/2016

/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/counterpunchradio1aug2016.mp3 This week Eric Draitsler sits down with economist, and former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis to discuss the shifts in the political landscape of both Europe and the US, and what they mean for political activism and progressive politics. Eric and Yanis discuss the nature of the EU and whether it can be reformed [...]

EU ECONOMICS MEETS DEMOCRACY – interviewed by the Green European Journal

, 22/07/2016

The architecture of the European Union institutions is flawed. Its leaders seem to deny the ineffectiveness of the response given to the financial and economic crisis as we see inequality and extremism on the rise. The European Union will be unprepared for the next crisis unless it profoundly reforms its governance and enhances democracy. Today […]

The Eurozone After Brexit – Die Zeit (in English and German)

, 20/07/2016

For the German language version, as published in Die Zeit on 18 July 2016, click here. For the English version (as I wrote it originally)…

On homelessness, street papers & Brexit – in The Big Issue

, 20/07/2016

Yanis Varoufakis on the consequences of Brexit – and why homelessness in Greece is set to rapidly escalate Click here for The Big Issue site or…

Who was planning a coup? Tom Strohschneider in Neues Deutschland

, 20/07/2016

This article by Tom Strohschneider was first published in the German newspaper Neues Deutschland. Read the German original here or the English version on the DiEM25 site. 

Stefano Fassina’s reply to our la Repubblica article on democratising Europe

, 15/07/2016

Stefano Fassina wrote the following letter to la Repubblica’s editor, in response to the article that I published in the same newspaper with Lorenzo Marsili. Over the next few days, I shall be replying to Stefano here. Meanwhile for the original version in Italian, click here. For the English language version…

Advice to the Australian PM for his next term – from eight of us, courtesy of ABC Radio National

, 13/07/2016

As Malcolm Turnbull prepares to return to Canberra to take the reins of government again, ABC Radio National has compiled eight pieces of advice on how he should approach his next term. The advice comes from: Ian Thorpe, Ursula Yovich, Yanis Varoufakis, Bill Crews, Toni Powell, Guy Warren, Karl Kruszelnicki and Inga Simpson

On the anniversary of the Greeks’ OXI, we say NO to a retreat to leftist nationalism – op-ed in La Repubblica

, 11/07/2016

by Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili. Click here for the la Repubblica site. For the English language version…

ONLY EUROPE’S RADICALS CAN SAVE THE EU – Newsweek op-ed on the Spanish election outcome

, 08/07/2016

Podemos suffered in the Spanish elections because it lacked a defining European agenda. BY YANIS VAROUFAKIS ON 7/8/16 AT 4:19 PM – click here for the Newsweek site or…

Financialisation, politics & the future of socialism: A conversation in Seattle with Casey Jaywork

, 26/06/2016

In April 2016, in the context of a talk I gave in Seattle’s City Hall, Casey Jaywork (of the  Seattle Weekly) and I had this conversation. For Casey’s site click here. Or…

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