
Austerity, the Gold Standard and the Eurozone: Today's Guardian Editorial

, 30/05/2013

Some time ago, I wrote a post with which I compared the predicament of the Eurozone’s Periphery with that of Britain under the mid-war Gold Standard. The title was Europe’s Periphery: A postmodern version of Britain in the 1930s? Yesterday, I used a pointed metaphor by which to dispel the nonsense that Europe is loosening up […]

While waiting for Cyprus' Godot….

, 23/03/2013

Here are some unedited thoughts I just shared with the BBC’s Radio 4 on Cyprus while we are all waiting for the new deal to shape up: Cyprus’ banking sector must shrink. As did Ireland’s, the hard way. What is essential, as every Irishman and woman will tell you, is that the politicians do not […]

Why is the 2009 Greek government deficit probed by the courts, again?

, 29/01/2013

Greek judges are, again, moving against Mr Georgiou, the Head of ELSTAT (the revamped Greek national statistics bureau). Why is this happening? And what does it signify?

Κυριακάτικη Ελευθεροτυπία

, 26/01/2013

Όταν η ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ έκλεισε σταμάτησα να αγοράζω ελληνική εφημερίδα σε καθημερινή βάση. Κι όταν μου ανακοινώθηκε η προσπάθεια επανέκδοσής της, και μου προτάθηκε να συνεισφέρω άρθρα μου σε εβδομαδιαία βάση, δέχθηκα – αφού πρώτα συζήτησα με διάφορους ανθρώπους του κλάδου για το “ποιόν” την προσπάθειας. Μετά την ανακοίνωση της συνεργασίας μου με την νέα ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ, δέχθηκα […]


, 08/01/2013

1. Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου – Η Εκδίκηση των Δεινοσαύρων – Απρίλιος 2012 2. Ιρλανδία Καλεί Έλληνα Ψηφοφόρo – Απρίλιος 2012 3. Ο Ματωμένος Γάμος της Ευρωζώνης – 24 Μαΐου 2012 4. Ποιοί τελικά διεσώθησαν – 27 Μαΐου 2012 5. Ιταλία εναντίον Ιταλία2 – Ιούνιος 2012 6. Φινλανδική αλληλλεγγύη – 11 Ιουνίου 2012 7. Η πραγματικότητα πίσω […]


, 08/01/2013

1. Αντί κηρύγματος 26 Μαρτίου 2012 2. Όταν οι πελάτες έχουν, εξ ορισμού, άδικο – 2 Απριλίου 2012 3. Η απώλεια των διακριτών στιγμών 4. Το διπλό χρέος της Lagarde στον Keynes 5. Γιατί, που πάνε; 6. Έτσι, χωρίς λόγο 29 Απριλίου 2012 7. Το ανέφικτο status quo – 8 Μαΐου 2012 8. Η Ευρώπη […]

Monday 29th October, in the House of Parliament, London, debating "European and Global Recovery – What Will It Take?"

, 25/10/2012

Next Monday, the European-Atlantic Group is organising a debate in the Grand Committee of the House of Commons, on what it will take for Europe and the world to return to growth and end the Crisis which  began in 2008. In the Chair: The Rt Hon The Lord Hamilton of Epsom Speakers: Professor Marcus Miller, (Professor of […]

Are digital currencies the future?

, 26/09/2012

In today’s edition of Business Daily, a BBC World Service radio program, Ed Butler investigates digital currencies. As you will hear, my contribution was to warn that, while digital currencies are the future, the libertarian (wet) dream of an international digital-gold standard that involves no collective agency (i.e. democratically or otherwise determined government) is a […]


, 29/08/2012

Καλώς όρισες αναγνώστη στις σελιδες τούτες. Γνωρίζω βέβαια πως ο μόνος λόγος που επισκέπτεσαι αυτή την σελίδα είναι ότι, δυστυχέστατα, με γνώρισες λόγω της Κρίσης που έρριξε την Ελλάδα σε μια ασταμάτητη δίνη. Μακάρι να παρέμενα γνωστός μόνο στους φοιτητές, στους συναδέλφους, στους φίλους… Από τότε που η Ελλάδα πτώχευσε, περί τα τέλη του 2009, βρέθηκα […]

Guest Post: Today Germany is the big loser, not Greece – by Marshall Auerbach

, 20/05/2012

Just before the Crisis erupted, in April 2010, with Greece falling into the troika’s embrace in May 2010, I had written an article (A New Versailles haunts Europe) to argue that Germany was about to commit the error that the winners’ of World War I had committed by imposing upon Germany the Versailles Treaty. It was […]

Europe’s impending Phantom Limp Syndrome

, 26/02/2012

This being the weekend, and waking up in Adelaide about to be immersed in the performance and visual arts (also known as the Adelaide Festival), permit me a different kind of thought/post for the day; an impressionistic comment on all this talk about severing some of the eurozone’s member-states in order to ‘save’ the eurozone; […]

The Snowflake That Started an Avalanche: Three recent interviews

, 20/10/2011

With the eyes of a stunned world trained, yet again on Greece, the international media have returned to Athens. I keep suggesting to them that they are wasting their time. That the real game is happening elsewhere – in the corridors of the French and German banks, in the meetings between German officials and the […]

Understanding the Euro Crisis: A talk at the Shellbourne Hotel, Dublin

, 23/09/2011

The good people at www.politico.ie took the trouble of transcribing my unscripted talk the other day on Understandind the Euro Crisis, presented at the Shellbourne Hotel, Dublin. You can read it by visiting their site here and you can in fact hear me deliver the talk by clicking here. I also paste the text of […]

Why Eurobonds are Essential and Fiscal Union a Folly (Or how to escape the equally untenable positions of German economists Thomas Straubhaar and Otmar Issing)

, 17/08/2011

The context: In the middle of a mighty bushfire the fire brigade just held a summit between its chief fire fighters (Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy) to discuss the importance of biodiversity, leaving the flames to destroy the forest. Italy and Spain are collapsing. The EFSF, the only institution that was set up to deal […]

On the US and EU debt crises: My ten minute Radio Scotland interview

, 08/08/2011

Last Saturday, I was interviewd by Derek Bateman on BBC Radio Scotland. I post that interview here only because Derek put some poignant questions regarding the linkages between the EU and US crises and, more so, the irrationality of the EU’s approach (on which I shall have much more to say in an already promised […]

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